Tips for   
Non- Profits
Juaquin "Jake" Sanchez, C.P.A.
2820 Building, Box 134
2820 South Padre Island Drive, Suite 198
Corpus Christi, TX 78415

Phone: 361.851.8722 or 866.525.3272
Fax: 361.851.8782
E-mail: jake@jjsnps.biz

Does an NPO really need a Treasurer?

If you are small or a start-up organization, the board
treasurer may actually keep the books, write the
checks, etc.  However, as a nonprofit grows, the need
for a treasurer on the board tends to diminish.  Yet, the
bylaws usually have paragraphs of duties for which the
treasurer is held responsible but lacks the means to
discharge the responsibilities.  In such a situation a
change in the bylaws is called for.
Are donations always
tax deductible?
Public Requests for 990's.
JJSNPS  Non-profit Software Solutions for Your Organization
Juaquin "Jake" Sanchez
Certified Public Accountant
2820 Building-Box 134
2820 South Padre Island Drive, Suite 198
Corpus Christi, TX 78415